the Arp/Seq Rate knob is a modulation destination, but when modulating it, it doesn't update the to the modulated change unless the Rate knob is turned.
1. Turn on Arp, Hold and your favorite pattern, hit some keys to arpegiate
2. hold assign 1 and turn the Arp/Seq Rate knob
3. On the CycEnv row, go to Assign 1 and set it to 50 or whatever.
4. on the Cyclling Envelope set to Run, set the Rise and Fall to something long, like 5s each
notice no change in tempo
5. slowly turn the Arp/Seq Rate knob slowly in either direction
notice the tempo slowly changing, as it would if modulated, with each click of the knob
I assume the tempo doesn't get set unless it detects a knob value change. Is this how it's supposed to work? I think it'd be fun to have this modulate normally.
I assume the tempo/rate just doesn't