Almost, but not quite... Do you want the sequencer to play as long as you hold a note, or do you want it to play single notes, advancing one step for each gate you send? Both launching the sequencer and trigging it step by step is not supported through the MxB's gate or sync inputs. The things you CAN do are:
- Play the sequencer from an external MIDI device, just as you can from the MxB keyboard, but no step by step triggering.
- By connecting the the Theremin gate output to the MxB Sync input, and using the MCC to set "MIDI clock source" to "All" or "Sync" and setting the "Sync Clock In/Out Settings" to "1 step (Clock)", then setting the MxB's MIDI Sync to on and selecting 1/16 notes, you can get the sequencer to trig step by step if sending a fairly steady stream of gates. This isn't real step by step trigging though (in reality it calculates a tempo from the incoming sync pulses), so if the gate tempo changes or you stop sending gates, you may lose a step or get more that one step.
So, in this area there is grounds for a feature request. E.g. a new "Sync Clock In/Out Settings" of "1 step per clock". There''s one dilemma here though; how long should the gate time of the note be? Normally, when the sequencer runs it has a tempo and thus it can calculate the internal Gate length to use per step. The solution might be to treat the Sync input as a Gate/Advance input and, playing each step for as long as the gate is held open, then advancing to the next step on the next gate.
Another feature request might be to have the Gate input do the above, with a corresponding configuration parameter in the MCC. Currently the Gate input will just play a steady note, not start the sequencer (if the seq is enabled) as is done for notes received by MIDI. However, I'm also thinking that this feature could "just work" without any configuration, by treating the Gate input just like a received MIDI note or a note played on the MxB's own keyboard.
Hmm.... perhaps we should submit the latter as a feature request?