Thanks guys!
I think it should work on all recent versions of Cubase.
Neosynth found a slight issue, where the 14 bit controls does not update on screen in Cubase when the knobs on the syhth are moved. Reading on the net, that might be a Cubase omission/bug. In my Cubase 6.5 I don't get any on screen movement at all, so I can't really test that. It might be that my 6.5 can actually receive CC to update the panel, and it's just a user error on my part... - if anybody knows anything about enabling MIDI reception and/or on screen movement in panels on 6.6, I'd be grateful for some tips there.
To hopefully alleviate that problem, I've made a version of the device panel that uses only 7 bit CCs - it's on its way to Neosynth for testing before I put it up on the forum. Both the 14 bit and 7 bit version will be posted, then users can choose which one to use, and they can be imported to Cubase at the same time so you can swicth between them, depending on which of 14 bit resolution or on screen movement is most important.
Oh, and the Swing ang Gate knobs doesn't transmit MIDI CC at all - I'll file a ticket about that.