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Author Topic: RackBrute Power Supply  (Read 4535 times)


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RackBrute Power Supply
« on: January 31, 2022, 11:37:24 pm »
I need a replacement power cord/adapter for the RackBrute 3U. I have looked everywhere on the internet and cannot find one anywhere.  Can I please get information on how to get a replacement for my defective power cord. It's similar to a laptop power adapter with a rectangular box in the middle between the plug in cord and the RackBrute connector cord.


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Re: RackBrute Power Supply
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2022, 01:21:09 am »
Someone please help! If I could at least get the US type specifications for the cord/adapter that plugs in the wall and plugs into the RackBrute I might be able to buy a universal power adapter that will work. I can't read the specs on mine because it has a permanent velcro sticker over it.


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Re: RackBrute Power Supply
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2022, 10:03:18 pm »
I found out the info I needed for the adapter finally. I had to order one from Amazon. Buying this Arturia RackBrute case has ground my live performances and eurorack hobby to a complete halt. I won't be buying a RackBrute again! Biggest mistake in eurorack I have ever made.


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Re: RackBrute Power Supply
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2022, 08:46:23 pm »
I understand your pain. I have the same problem. Yesterday the shelf where my power adapter was on broke, it fell and broke. I quickly found a replacement on Amazon, but the prices are very high, and I can't afford that purchase. Now I'm looking for something similar in the Chinese online stores, but I'm afraid that what I buy will be of poor quality. To prevent such silly situations from happening again, I installed a new bar shelf and hoop iron. I advise such a thing for those who decided to make a small repair at home. Please email me if you can find a store where you can buy such an adapter. Good luck with your search.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2022, 09:52:27 pm by godardrehak »


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