have had my mb for two days and am researching how to best set it up in my system.
I decided to try putting mini guitar pedals in the insert loop especially as they seem to have
true bypass currently the chain is a bit crusher (rowin) (which is eccentric)> a tc electronic
spark tone booster> a generic brand noise gate...its donner or rowin or something.
Now i was aware that there was a problem of bleed when oscillators were off through the filter.
I saw it in an sos review and a post by someone who knew what they were talking about.
I have checked and it seems feasible to get a good setting on the gate which removes this and does
not do other damage. I also found the spark tone booster is making this thing sound far more
like i imagine it should as to me it sounds a bit dead and i do not like the drive and the brute factor
just like i do not like the same sort of things for the most part on va synths.
.So then i looked at all the posts in this part of the forum before
sending this info and i find several complaints about deadness of overall tone from various components
especially compared to the minibrute. That is loss of high frequency content.
So, i offer you this suggestion to put a noise gate and a guitar tone booster in the loop and it might make you happy. The bit crusher thing was an eccentricity as i like digital degradation of analogue things.
I saw in the arturia video the man put an alesis ineko in the loop. I would not do that i would put it in the mixer bus as it is a waste of a genuine stereo effect and those things are quite noisy as are most alesis fx.