Hi, I am a new user here and also an happy owner of a MiniLab.
I work on Cubase, and there I have a project which is complex under the point of view of Midi mapping/routing: on the MiniLab I have 8 preset ("Memory" from 1 to 8 ) and each preset is assigned to a midi channel - from 1 to 8 - but in the meantime, some knobs and pads, should also interact with other channels: thanks to the Midi Control Center software I have been able to accurately set my needs, until I encountered an issue: I've found that the "Memory 1" is read only, as stated by Midi Control Center.
Well, I heard of the fact that the Memory 1 is set as read-only to ensure that MiniLab, in case of some wrong configuration with the other presets, could be still able to work, eg with Ableton Live or Analog Lab, but personally I'm vexed, because I just only use Cubase, and since I've bought a product, I'd want to be free to set it as I want, and I am aware of my needs.
To be specific, I aim, on the memory 1, to set the "Mode" of PAD nr 4 and PAD nr 5 from "Midi note" to Switched Control".
There is some developer on this forum, which could give me some hints/help? Would be fantastic to remove such limit and set the memory 1 as read-write instead of read-only. If is impossible, consider this as suggestion for the next firmware update, please.
Kind regards.