This problem only started occurring with the firmware update. The issue is that when slaved to MIDI, the BSP pro is continuing to send clocks to the ext clock out, even after receiving a MIDI stop command. Essentially, anything connected to the ext clock out continues to play, after hitting stop on the master midi device, making it impossible to use BSP as MIDI slave in a live environment.
My setup:
Electribe (master) MIDI Out to MIDI In on BSP
BSP in midi sync mode
External clock out of BSP to modular rig (Pamela's workout)
On, hitting stop on the Electribe would stop the BSP and also stop sending clocks via external clock out. Now, the external clock out continues to output clocks until I hit the stop button on the BSP itself (after hitting stop on the Electribe as well). Reverting back to resolves the problem, so this bug only exists in the latest firmware update. Whereas was a bit buggy with the external clocks, it's now even more broken
Can you please get these external sync issues fixed without introducing new bugs?