Last night I had a long guess concerning the sustain pedal function on the KS.
What if a sustain pedal could switch more than a basic sustain/hold mode?
What came to my mind is to extend the functions, so what it should do
could be set up in the MMC next to the basic 'sustain/hold' for notes!
For example:
## You're in step recording mode: Hit the sustain pedal and you're entering a tie or rest
into the sequencer
## You're in play mode (sequencer is running): Hit the pedal to jump to the next sequence
(clockwise) or entering the record mode (replace, append or OVERDUB!
## Sequencer is not running: Hit the pedal to start sequencer in play or record mode (replace, append, overdud) name it
The behavior of the KS on the sustain pedal respond to the various types you could select
in the MMC for it.