Out of curiosity, I had a little search online for images of the PCB - all resistors are surface mount as you would expect (though nicely labelled), so they're really tiny and hard to solder.
The pots are thru-hole and I guess one could theoretically exchange them for different values. BUT you'll void your guarantee, it might not at all work the way you want i.e. the mod might suck, and It's only really an option it if you're an experienced solderer.
A different route would be to get a dedicated kick drum module (Jomox MBase 01 or 11 if you like the sound). You'd be able to sequence it via MIDI with the Kick 1 or Kick 2 notes, so the Module will play along with your pattern .. or you could dial in a Kick Drum patch on any synth you might own and use the same method.