I got the Beatstep Black for Christmas(today) and excitedly hooked up the beat step, downloaded all the software, taught myself to use Ableton Live Lite 9, and pushed all the pretty LED pads over and over. Then, once I was familiar with Ableton Lite, I hooked in the Beatstep. It said it recognized it, but refused to make any sound. I thought this was weird, so I tried to look up tutorials.... I just would like to point out the severe lack of Beatstep video tutorials. Anyways, I realized I didn't download MCC, so I downloaded it, but it just gives me a bunch of options I don't understand. Im a fairly talented musician, but this is my first electronic music toy, and I'm trying really hard not to get frustrated or let it ruin my day.... Can anyone give me some tutorials on how to use the thing? Besides as a glorified midi keyboard?
Like as an actual BEAT making device? With drumbeats and stuff? Thanks!