You may be using a naming convention that is causing you confusion.
If I use any factory presets untouched, I just mark them as "favorites".
If I tweak any factory preset, or create a preset from scratch, I apply a unique naming convention beginning with my band name, then a small description, followed by a number, ie; 001 through 010. This gives me multiple version possibilities that I may use for a preset that shares similar, yet subtle differences with other presets in the same descriptive category. For example, I have quite a few "Taurus Bass Pedal" styled presets, numbered 001-010.
From there, all of my working presets are easily found in any of the many V-Collection apps under "User" and "Favorite", which is especially helpful when scrolling through the thousands of presets in Analog Lab 2.
This is especially helpful when creating a "Multi" in AL-2 using a preset right in the numeric middle of one of these naming conventions, ie;
"WÖR Party_Taurus Bass Pedal 003" zoned C1-C3, with "WÖR Party_OBX Mono Lead 006" zoned D3-A4.