Dear Arturia,
I have two 2 Arturia BeatStep Pro and I plan to buy more. But only when the following is possible:
I need one BSP to trigger start/stop for the other, without forcing BPM to be inherited. For example, BSP number one has BPM 30 and BSP number two has BPM 40, and I need to keep the BPM for each individual BSP separate. When I start BSP number one, then BSP number two should start as well, same as for stop.
And all this without the use of a computer. I do not use DAW. Just hardware.
I tried using the MIDI ports with various MIDI junction boxes, with and without MIDI filters such as the MIDI Thru 4/Filter of M-miditech, either through clock in/out or through MIDI in/out, either using grey or black MIDI jacks, and I updated various firmware versions up to 2, and I tried to config MIDI channels and messages, but nothing works the start/stop way I need.
In other words, it seems impossible.
Please update the BSP so that one can trigger start/stop the other without forcing BPM to be inherited by the other BSP.
I need multiple BSPs with each their own BPM to start/stop simultaneously, without a computer.
Thank you for considering.