Exponential FM is intended to work with a 1volt/octave keyboard voltage controlling both the carrier and modulator VCOs. The so-called "Oscillator Driver" inserts an exponential converter into the signal path, which is intended to receive a keyboard voltage. This is why the vast number of users of Moog modular systems never bothered with the "Linear" FM inputs.
The "Linear" FM inputs produce a **fixed amount of frequency change** in response to an incoming signal. This form of FM is consistent with
"traditional" FM as used in radio broadcast applications, etc. This is also the type of FM used in the FM techniques devused by John Chowning and subsequently licensed by Yamaha. Any number of hardware & software FM symthesizers will do this kind of stuff infintely better than anything
you could get out of an old Moog 55 or for that matter, from Modular V.