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Author Topic: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences  (Read 3202 times)


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How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« on: January 01, 2017, 11:43:00 am »

I have just started to explore my new BSP - a lovely little unit being my impression so far.
However I have reached the level of my current knowledge regarding setup of MIDI channels.
This is my set up:

I have 5 sound sources (S1-S5).
S1-S4 is connected to a MIDI Solution Quadra THRU (QT).
S5 is connected to the MIDI out (thru) of S4.
The sound sources are set up with their individual MIDI channel, i.e. S1 on Channel 1, S2 on Channel 2 etc.

Primary BSP setup:
The QT MIDI-in is connected to the BSP MIDI-out.
Playing a sequence on the BSP works fine when selecting the appropriate Sound source as the respective MIDI channel (CHAN + STEP btns).

Primary external keyboard setup:
I want to use the keyboard of S1 (through its MIDI out) to also play the sound sources. (for solos etc.)
I can disconnect the S1 keyboard from its tone generator (setting a toggle parameter on the S1) thus using it as a MIDI-keyboard.
By connecting the S1 MIDI-out directly to the QT MIDI-in I can play all the sound sources (S1-S5) by selecting the appropriate MIDI-channel on S1.

Then the tricky part:
I want the BSP to run sequences on S1-S5 and at the same time use the S1 keyboard to play them solo.

Integration configuration:
My initial cabling solution is the following:

S1 MIDI-out -> BSP MIDI-in
BSP MIDI-out -> QT MIDI-in
QT MIDI-out1-4 -> S1-S4
S4 MIDI-out (Thru) -> S5 MIDI-in

The question then is:

How do I configure the MIDI channels of the BSP to allow the S1-keyboard to play through it without altering or transposing the sequences?

In other words: How set up BSP so it is merging its MIDI-in with the sequences and sends it to MIDI-out ?



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Re: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 05:05:24 am »
BSP doesn't exactly have a THRU function.  It will allow notes and data on the same MIDI channel as the sequencers are assigned to to be merged and passed on, but all other channels are not retransmitted.  Another consideration is if you have set the Transpose channel to the same as that of one of the note sequencers, that channel will also transpose the sequence when received at the BSP MIDI in.

In MCC you can specify which channel the BSP will receive transpose notes, so if set it to a channel you are not using for an instrument.  This will allow you to transpose a sequence will not playing the notes on one of your instruments.
I'm really not sure what happens with to data on the user channel and am having trouble finding in the manual what happens.

What instrument is 'S1'?  I sorta don't want to go to much further without knowing what MIDI functionality it has as it really is what your set-up is hinging on.

I have a ridiculously large set-up that is more of a MIDI network that an chain, involving a MIDI patchbay, a merger and a splitter.  I need maps and charts to remember what everything is doing.  I added a Keystep back in July and am only just remapping the routings as I repatched without documenting the changes awhile before that :-[

MIDI patching can be like secret knowledge at times, an occult art only passed on to those who have been initiated.  I've recently finished programming a Bitstream3x to control a Tetra and it was a good learning experience, so I thought I'd try to share this on the Bitstream forum for the benefit of others.  I can't even do that, as I'm still waiting for the company owner to approve my forum account ::)
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2017, 02:08:19 pm »
Hi megamarkd!

Thanks for your answer.
I can understand the need of maps and charts.  :)
My S1 is a Korg X-50. Unfortunately it does´t have a MIDI THRU function, but both in and Out.

The other gear I have is:
S2: Roland Aira TR-8
S3: Waldorf Pulse.2
S4: Roland Aira TB-3
S5: Korg Volca Keys

Yesterday  ::) I got a Waldorf Streichfett that I want to include in this setup, at least using the X-50 as midi keyboard.

I also have a Moog Sub37 (and some moogerfoogers), a Roland System-8 and Roland MX-1 with is connecting it all together.

Except for the Volca all other than X-50 have the MIDI THRU function.
(The Volca probably have it with the minijack in-out sync but I´m not using that?)

I use the MX-1 as the MIDI-clock and connect this to BSP MiDI IN.
I got myself a MIDI Solution Merge (2 in & 2 out) as well.

Now I have  the BSP MIDI out I connect to the MIDIMerge .
The other MIDI-in on the MIDIMerge I have connected the MIDI-out from the X-50.
The two MIDI-out from the MIDIMerge is connected to
a) the MIDIQuaraTHRU
b) Moog Sub 37 (hooked up after the first posting)

The MIDIQuaraTHRU is then connected to the S1-S4 (as listed above)
The Volca Keys is connected to the TB-3 (S4) and the Streichfett is connected to the pulse.2 via its MIDI THRU.

This setup is now work pretty close to what I wanted. The only problem is it seems all MIDI signals from the X-50 also is routed back to the X-50.
I can handle that by muting the output volume of the X-50 when I want to play another device (obviously the cannot utilize the X-50 with the BSP at the same time).


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Re: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2017, 06:11:01 am »
Awesome, I like what you have got going on.  The only thing you have missed is to turn off the local control on the X50.  That will stop it from controlling it's internal sound, but still send the MIDI notes out.  When they are returned to the X50, it will play the internal programs/combis.
The addition of a merger with multiple outs is one of the most useful MIDI tools you can get.  I was going greyhaired trying to make things work with MIDI before I got one.  There is generally always a way to split MIDI using a box with a THRU, but not often a way to merge them without a workstation type device such as a standalone multitrack MIDI sequencer with multiple in's (unless you incorporate a computer and a MIDI interface with more than one in, which is a big effort if you are not using a daw or softsynths)

How you finding the Streichfett?  I so want on of those machines.  I'm a bit of a Waldorf fan boy with a Pulse, Pulse 2, Microwave XTk, a 4-Pole and a Blofeld.  Their modular rack/keyboard is really what I want from them next, but the price of the Streichfett is much easier to reach, heheh.

The MX-1 is a brilliant idea, just wish it would work with non-Aira instruments on the USB host.  Roland would sell way more of them if they did.

Let us know how you go with local: off.

Oh yeah, the Volca's have no sort of controlling data output without mods and then it's a MIDI out.  The minijack sync out merely sends an analogue click track for syncing other analogue sync devices that run on 2ppq timing, such as other Volcas or Teenage engineering devices.

I have a few devices that can be timed by analogue clicks and am running a couple of them on drum gates for odd stepping rhythms; sort creating custom swings for them.  I reckon I could do it with the Volca beats too, but it's got a beast of a stumble-beat creator in it's active step function as it is, plus I have my Pocket Operator running off of it which means whatever rhythm the Beats is running on, the Office will run on too.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 10:09:52 am by megamarkd »
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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Re: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2017, 04:40:15 pm »
Hi Again!

Thanks for your input.
The "Local Control" set off does the trick, but here comes the weird one: Only if I chose the GLOBAL setting coming from a MULTI selection where MIDI channel 1 is set to "EXT".
If I switch to a PROGRAM or a COMBI is will still play the KORG-X50 even with the "Local Control" off. I have tried to find a MIDI-settings on the selected PROGRAM, but had no luck.

The way to handle this is though to keep the MIDI-Channels I use set to Ext in a selected MULTI, then chose the X50-internal sound as the Channel 1. It sort of works, but could have been more sexy.

The Streichfett is, well, interesting... I think I need more time with it. I find the sound a bit "tighter" than the Pulse.2, which I reckon as a definite keeper even in the long run.
The SOLOs are pretty clear and nice. I like the Cello best of the STRINGS. Somehow I´d like a LP filter to top it off, or maybe a DRIVE-pot as found of the moogerfoogers and the sub37 (called MULTIDRIVE there).
Not sure I will keep it, but at the same time I got it v cheap, and it´s a nice piece in the collection. We´ll see.
I am experimenting a bit with ins and outs until I find the instrument setup I want to keep. I´m hoping to add to the setup with better piano sounds and a desktop polysynth, possibly an Access Virus C or TI2 if I can find one and can afford it all. ::)   The one thing I´m not lacking is the lust for new synths. But I probably should learn to play a bit soon...  :o


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Re: How configure BSP to merge MIDI-in with internal sequences
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2017, 04:14:22 am »
Hmmm, annoying.  So you need to program a Multi to include the Programs you want to play and assign them MIDI channels, maybe.  Damn annoying!  And odd, as my M1 can run with local off in any any mode and it's pretty much the template for their multimode/workstation synths since.

Cheers for the Streichfett appraisal, I'd like to get a dedicated string synth but don't want to have to buy a huge old 70's behemoth with no MIDI.  Somehow I didn't notice that it lacks filter cutoff and resonance control.  Not like the original string machines had them, but still in this golden age of the 24dB ladder filter, one sorta assumes those controls are on every electronic instrument on them market.

I have a Tetra and it has some very nice string emu's, though I'd rather use it to pretend I am Gary Numan or Flock Of Seagulls, heheh.  I was looking to get a Minilogue, but it's missing a few things I would miss when programming, like a third env .  Not to mention I haven't the room for another keyboard unless I fly it from the roof, heheh.
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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