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Author Topic: User scales BSP, feature request  (Read 3012 times)


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User scales BSP, feature request
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:21:49 am »

There are scale choices for major, minor (aeolian), dorian and mixolydian, while there is only one "user scale" space on the BSP. Major, dorian aeolian and mixolydian are ALL THE SAME THING with different root notes. This seems like a waste of space to me. Please can't we have the option in the software to select a greater number of user scales instead?

« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 12:27:27 pm by megacrex »


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2016, 02:47:10 pm »
If you built Major, Dorian, Aeolian and Mixolydian scales from root note C they are not ALL THE SAME THING:
- Major: C D E F G A B C
- Dorian: C D Eb F G A Bb C
- Aeolian: C D Eb F G Ab Bb C
- Mixolydian: C D E F G A Bb C
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 02:49:09 pm by Gabpipes »


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2016, 01:27:57 pm »
Hi Gab, you didn't read my comment carefully enough, "Major, dorian aeolian and mixolydian are ALL THE SAME THING ***with different root notes***" which means that you have access to the same mode from different points of view.

A "minor" ABCDEFGA


So by making the key C major I have access to all of these modes at the same time, I don't need separate settings. I would very much prefer to be able to choose my own scales instead of so many repetitions of the same scale-pattern.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 01:32:16 pm by megacrex »


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2016, 02:20:35 am »
Hi Megacrex,
I have read with attention your comment and I agree with you, with different root notes (in your example taken from the C major scale) are ALL THE SAME THING...  but from the root note C, and this is the possibility that the BSP offers you according to the selected Scale pad (page 28/29 in the manual), they are not all the same thing, not the same notes. The separate settings are useful when you start from the same root note. From the manual:" Think of a Scale as a sort of ‘filter’ that will help you use the encoders to select the notes you want more quickly". More user scale possibilties? probably very useful in the case of not-quantized scales...but for the rest I build my scales from the chromatic, it's slower but I don't care.


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2016, 12:44:32 pm »
What you're saying, is like stating, that C-major and A-minor is the same. Sure, their scales do consist of the same notes, but they're different. Or an other example - F#-major and Gb-major. They're also not the same, and this is really important consideration in practice as well, not just a theoretical debate.

Apart from the fact, that what OP suggests is wrong, I do agree, that it would be nice if all scales would be user-definable as well.


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2017, 05:13:04 pm »
What you're saying, is like stating, that C-major and A-minor is the same. Sure, their scales do consist of the same notes, but they're different. Or an other example - F#-major and Gb-major. They're also not the same, and this is really important consideration in practice as well, not just a theoretical debate.

Apart from the fact, that what OP suggests is wrong, I do agree, that it would be nice if all scales would be user-definable as well.

Hi, what I am saying is not wrong, we are just looking at this differently. If I want a dorian mode in C, I just have to program the root note as D. I am then using the C major setting on the sequencer to limit myself to D dorian. How do the scale settings work in the BSP? They work as a filter, filtering out all the notes you don't want. Well, C major, A aeolian and D dorian all filter the same notes, but have different root notes. In terms of a "note filter", they are all the same thing. My options in D dorian are the same as those in C major. That is why I would like the option to choose more user scales. **IS THIS A POSSIBILITY FOR A NEW SOFTWARE UPDATE**?

By the way I don't see in what way Gb major and F# major are different in the context of sequencing. After all, the BSP doesn't show flats. I agree that they are not the same in a music theory context.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 05:20:56 pm by megacrex »


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Re: User scales BSP, feature request
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2017, 05:19:06 pm »
Hi Megacrex,
I have read with attention your comment and I agree with you, with different root notes (in your example taken from the C major scale) are ALL THE SAME THING...  but from the root note C, and this is the possibility that the BSP offers you according to the selected Scale pad (page 28/29 in the manual), they are not all the same thing, not the same notes. The separate settings are useful when you start from the same root note. From the manual:" Think of a Scale as a sort of ‘filter’ that will help you use the encoders to select the notes you want more quickly". More user scale possibilties? probably very useful in the case of not-quantized scales...but for the rest I build my scales from the chromatic, it's slower but I don't care.

Thanks for the reply, I agree with you that if the effect you want is changing the melody from one mode to another, from C major to C dorian for example, then this is a useful feature. In fact, I am not advocating taking anything away, just making the various options replaceable with user scales using the software. Personally I find the idea of having more options to choose the scales more useful than this feature, but everybody is different.

I agree that it can be built from the chromatic, but as you say, it is less convenient.


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