New to MIDI, trying to learn the BSP – I have a Volca Bass connected via MIDI to my Bet Step Pro.
On the Volca Bass itself, you can sequence each oscillator independently, running 3 separate 16-step patterns/melodies at the same time.
Is it possible to do similar using the Beat Step Pro? I have a 32-step melodic pattern I want VCO's 1&2 to play, and another 16-step pattern for VCO 3.
I have the BSP's sequencers' MIDI channels set to match the Volca (Channel 2), and can run patterns from either sequencer, but can only get all three oscillators to sound at once.
Any help is much appreciated!!!
I'm theorizing I have to use the BSP's Sequencer 1 for the 1st idea, and Sequencer 2 for the other.