I just discovered this one. It seems the drag-n-drop export-as-wave function is not exporting all the sounds in a pattern when the mixer is set to 16 separate outputs. It works fine, as expected, if all pads route to the master channel. This only happens when pads are set to output to separate channels. From what I can discern, it seems to be outputting ONLY channels 1, 6, and 12 (if that's of any help).
Workaround: Using the presets, set it to output all to "Master" when exporting .wav files .. then set it back to "16 outs" if needed.
Win 7 Professional 32-bit
Pentium D Dual 3.4Ghz
Dell Optiplex GX620 MoBo
Soundmax integrated digital audio
Nvidia GeForce GTX560 Ti
EDITED: change "pads" to "channels" for clarity