Hey, I received a keystep a few days ago. Haven't had that much experience with sequencers. I've only had a Korg Sq-1 before this.
I updated the firmware and it worked for a day or two without problems but now the sequencer / arp aren't reacting anymore. I play something in and the synths aren't responding anymore. I've used this via midi on ms-20/midi and cv on microbrute / midi and sync on volca keys and nothing reacts anymore.
Also, most of the times if i just play the keys after a while the keys don't send anything. More like the volume dropping to nothing.
I hadn't touched the default settings yet, so I don't know what the problem is? I edited the midi center a bit now but that doesn't help anything. Keystep is also using it's internal clock.
Do I have a broken unit or am I missing something?