Hello, just wandering, that it would be great to record sequences from external controlers like master keyboards and so on with some preplay.
I know, that you can record notes when you hit record, but if you are in play mode, every note from external midi just transpose sequences on that channel. i would like to have some toggle on this, because i want to overplay some melody first with sequences running to find the right note-order to play and then just hit record, when i have it "in hand" as i wanted to record.
if you for example implement, that [shift] + [trns lnk] would disable / enable external sequence transpose on current melody sequencer and enable note pass through durring sequence play, it would be most help full.
and also, there should be a option in editor to disable transposition in global on that external midi channel (there might be cases, where i would like to set transposition just internally).