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Author Topic: Saving a user patch does weird things!  (Read 1476 times)


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Saving a user patch does weird things!
« on: June 23, 2016, 01:23:17 pm »
I have Modular V and ARP2600 V. In both synths the same problem occurs.

I save a user patch (all the parameter settings, etc) as a New Preset in my own bank and sub-bank. When I recall the patch, it sometimes works, sometimes resets the patch I stored to Default (with concomitant no sound because all the oscillators have been switched off) and I've lost my stored patch, or the sound comes out wobbly and grating, again showing I've lost my patch. If I rename the patch, it assigns the name to another entirely different patch or develops the previous three problems - and again, I've lost my data!

I've tried this with both synths on two different computers, one running Win 10 (ugghh!) and the other running Win 7 (much better, Microsoft!) On both computers I'm using Steinberg Nuendo 4 as a VST platform.

Any fruitful help will be rewarded with a smiley face. Many thanks!

-KW Austin


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Re: Saving a user patch does weird things!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2016, 01:56:38 pm »
This is VC5 forum. Your issues is with earlier verisons of the applications.

That said, then you should not have issues like this if you use "Save as" in your own - Bank/ Subbank/ Preset - and you don't use to many characters in the names, and if you don't use any space in your names.


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