January 31, 2025, 11:14:45 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Why is there no support on forums but also with ticket system ?  (Read 1745 times)


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Your website is really nice. I can imagine how time consuming this should be regarding all your products.
Nevertheless, getting feedback from enduser could maximise our excitement about all your new releases.
Could you, from time to time, answer on forums, or at least having a way to respond to your tickets instead of quite an approimative answer, with no way to answer back.
This kind of interactivity would help us a lot to give you feedback about what we really need to use your device in our more or less professional gigs...
For instance, not having preset loading using program change is something that is included for almost all synths for the last 35 years.
Not having that kind of features on latest Ipad in 2016 is a bit weird. As some of your app has been released a couple of years, it seems you don't want to include such any and obvious feature for modern synth.
Thanks for considering, have a nice day.


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