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Author Topic: Do you have the same bug? It's worth than in older firmware  (Read 2358 times)


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Do you have the same bug? It's worth than in older firmware
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:12:02 pm »
when setting a loop sequence in logic (9) anywhere except starting position 1 BSP will start everytime at seq 32 (if I expanded it more the 1-16).
In the previous firmware it worked depending where the loop began. If I shift the loop one step further (begining the next point 2 or 3 ... the seq. of the BSP will start the next seq 32-48 or 48 to 64)  but with this new firmware it will start anywhere I set the loop at step 32 and will continue.
Check this out and confirm this please.
So perhaps this bug will be cleaned up the next time.


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Re: Do you have the same bug? It's worth than in older firmware
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2016, 08:40:18 pm »
I don't know if I'm the only one who uses the BSP in a DAW like I described before.
Can somebody confirm this issue? I downgraded the firmware to see if it really worked there an re-upgraded to and it still sticks in the way I posted before.
Please try your test if I'm not the only one and I could ask arturia directly.


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Re: Do you have the same bug? It's worth than in older firmware
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2016, 10:19:31 pm »
Hi, not sure this is problem with the bsp but in logic if you have a left locator and press stop twice in logic it will go back to the locator and start on bar 1 of the bsp . if you stop logic mid bar the time code is kind of lost and it takes a few seconds for the bsp to find where it is so best practice is to press stop twice to stop at a locator so its all in sync.

ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
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just came back for 2 weeks in the provence :-)
I am sure this has to do something with the latest upgrade.
if I have created a loop in logic and >space> stops it and >space< again (or >return< eighter) will start the sequence from the beginning.
In the latest firmware the BSP started everytime with Step 1.
In the latest firmware I have to create the loop starting at bar 1 to let the the BSP start with step 1.
If I start logic at 1,5 (and the regulary sound starts at 2) the BSP will start at step 9 of seq 1-64, so that when logic reaches the bar 2 the BSP will start at 33.
The same when Logic is set to 2,5 (the sound starts at bar 3) the BSP will pre-start at step 9.
It's not quite easy to describe - if I create a loop anywhere in the logic arrangement ( bar 55 or 88, or 100...) - it will start at step 33.
If I pre-start in logic (e.g. 54.5) then the BSP starts at step 9
If I pre-start in logic (e.g. 54.25 the BSP will start at step 5
Or if I start in logic (e.g. 54.75) the BSP will start at step 13
Do you understand what I mean?
BUT is I start in Logic at bar 1 - everything workes fine.
If I pre-start the loop seq. at 0,5 (and the music begins an bar 1) the BSP will wait and will start exactly at bar 1 with step 1.

Is this explained a little better?
Anyhow I could make a video and place it into youtube if you can not follow my practice.
Let me know.
At least I can only tell you, that thru out the latest update there has to be something different, cause before it worked quite perfect. Even if I downgrade the BSP again it workes fine.
Please don't let me stand alone with this - I love to work with the BSP but this is not worthwhile.
Regard and thank you for your time


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