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Author Topic: MinBrute Calibration  (Read 6463 times)


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MinBrute Calibration
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:31:54 am »
In searching for the proper calibration method for my MiniBrute I have come across "Technical Note 06" which is for the MicroBrute.  I assume the calibration technique is similar for both instruments, however I need to be clear which trimmer pot is "OFFSET" and which one is "SLOPE".

The 2 holes are in a different location on the Mini so clarification would be helpful.   When looking at the back panel (keys facing away) which one is "OFFSET" and which is "SLOPE"?



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Re: MinBrute Calibration
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 09:18:09 pm »
You need Technote 01 for the Minibrute,

It says something like this:
let the synth warm up for at least 10 min
Connect a digital tuner to the output,
Slide up the sawtooth waveform fader to maximum level. 
Press the Octave buttons until reaching the center position: green LED is lit.
Make sure the Fine Tune knob is at center position.
Find a plastic (!!) 2mm flat screwdriver,

Press the lowest key on the left of the keyboard, and hold it down. 
The frequency should be a perfect C at 130.80 Hz (0 cent). 
If it is not the case, turn the Slope trimmer to reach this value. 
The Slope trimmer is nearest the MIDI in/outs, the other one is the Offset trimmer

1) Press the upper most key on the right of the keyboard and hold it down.
Turn the Offset trimmer to reach C at 523.30 Hz (+/- 5 cents). 

2) Press the lowest key on the left of the keyboard, and hold it down. 
Turn the Slope trimmer to reach C at 130.80 Hz (+/- 5 cents). 

Repeat steps 1) and 2) until both notes are in tune (+/- 5 cent)

Full “0-cent accuracy” can not be achieved: +/- 5 cents tolerance generally is OK.
Expect some drift at the extremes (up to +/- 20 cents): C-3 will *not* be accurate, neither will be C5.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 01:42:55 am by wartaler »


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Re: MinBrute Calibration
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2016, 01:36:28 am »
Very helpful....Thank you.


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