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Author Topic: Transposition of sequence  (Read 2922 times)


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Transposition of sequence
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:49:42 am »
The BSP is a very powerful gear.
But I think I lost something in the firmware update.
Before I could transpose a sequence just with hitting the pad of the note, same thing for the octave.
Now I have to hit 2 buttons :
"The pads with note names will transpose a sequence when used in combination with the SEQUENCER 1 or SEQUENCER 2 button"
I believe it's a lost in term of live usage.


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Re: Transposition of sequence
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 03:11:13 am »
It's been like this since the second firmware update.  You can take it back to the last firmware you were using and regain that functionality.
If you want to stay on the latest firmware and have one-finger transpose, try plugging in a midi keyboard and setting transpose to latching.  You will need to change the keyboard channel when changing which sequencer you are transposing.  I hope this helps.
Currently running /, sequencing with KSP and recording with a Zoom (no DAW involved, for better or worse ;) )


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