Hello again everyone. Back with another midi problem...
I'm using my BSP to control a Waldorf Blofeld on Seq. 1, a JU-06 on Seq. 2, and my Nord Drum 2 on the drum sequencer. Everything works great and plays as should except for when i play on Seq. 1 or 2. Whenever a note is played, it triggers a drum sound from the ND2 as well as the note from whatever synth im trying to play from. The drum sound is the same single sound for all pads on each sequencer, but will go up and down in scale with each note pressed.
I have the drum channels set to 10 on the BSP and ND2. Right now i have the MIDI send/receive for the drums set to 'General Midi' (39, 37, 51, 62, 60, 66) but have tried multiple different combinations to no avail.
Thanks for any help! Let me know if i need to clarify anything.