So i have bought this little machine to make music but it doesn't look like its going to happen very soon.
I have hooked it up to Cubase 5 and Ableton Live 9 to see wich one works for me. In Cubase i have loaded it into 2 midi channels where one has midi channel 10 for the drum sequencer and the other one with midi channel 1 for sequence one. When i put in some drum notes everything is fine, the bassdrum plays. Then i set up the second cubase channel for sequence one and although it has midi channel 1 it plays the rhythm of the drum sequence i.e. the bass drum notes. I can change the cubase midi channel to whatever i want and the result stays the same. It keeps on playing the bassdrum notes with the sound of the synth in that channel.
In Ableton this happens too. The Bassdrum rhythm always bleeds somehow through to the other channel. Strangely enough when i record a sequence in Ableton in realtime, the moment i press the record button on the bsp again to step out of recording all the step buttons get lit and its getting weird. Sorry, but thats too much for me, whats going on??? This doesn't happen in Cubase but in Cubase i am now at a point, where all Cubase VST Instruments play their sequence from their BSP Channel but also all the other notes from the other sequences. Holy moly...
In Cubase i did check the midi monitor in the channel and it actually shows that it is receiving notes on midi channel 1 but still plays the other rhythm. Can't sort this out. This is not normal. I even checked the settings in the Midi Control Center and everything looks normal. Also sometimes some steps that i set can't be erased by pressing them again. I'm going crazy...