« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 09:08:57 pm »
Hi Jamm,
As to your second question you can midi learn in spark the patterns by cmd click or control click on the pattern then assign a midi note
Then program these to change in clips in Ableton.
Your issue with dragging midi sequences in to Ableton I'm not sure what this could be. what do you mean play back timing?
remember some automation and swing are not transferred i do believe .
ARTURIA Tester for Minifreak,All software Polybrute,Keystep pro,Audiofuse range, Microfreak,Kl49mkII,DrumBrute,Spark,Analog lab3,KLE,kl88,matrix12,Semv,Beatstep,Minibrute 2,Pigments
ASC,Vcol6, Beatstep pro, VCOL8, Synclavier v.Minibrute2s