I mentioned this in a thread a while back, but just to make sure it's visible to whoever at Arturia might look at these forums:
Since updating to firmware v, when starting playback the first note of a sequence is not triggered properly via CV. I've checked the voltage and the trigger pulse on the first step reads around 500mv, while the normal trigger pulses vary between 2vdc and 5vdc (the gate voltage is really inconsistent in general). Pitch and velocity CV appear normal, and after the first pass through the sequence, step 1's gate voltage is normal, varying between 2vcd and 5vdc but always within that range.
It's possible this was happening in the previous firmware versions and I missed it, but it's unlikely. As it is the sequencer is kind of broken when using CV now. There are some workarounds but all of them involve starting playback with tracks muted or on a blank pattern or project and then unmuting or changing patterns or projects at the end o the first repetition. None of these are acceptable options for actual performance.