March 11, 2025, 11:50:47 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: PLEASE improve the "step sections" contrast in the sequencer (and other issues)  (Read 1778 times)


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    • Voxonitus Soundcloud
I know (hope) you're in the midst of updating Spark2 along with all your other instruments. I hope it's not too late to address these issues.
In the sequencer, the patterns are divided into sections of 4 squares. This, of course, is standard and very useful.
However, the colors you've chosen are rather low contrast to each other, making it more difficult than it needs to be to see those divisions.
I've seen videos of the old Spark software, and that was MUCH more contrasty and easier to see.
While I'm at it, please put back the functionality of copying a pattern from one instrument to another. This used to be in the Spark software, I do believe.
Please also add pattern shift. This is a pretty standard sequencer function. Pattern randomization would be very nice as well.
Also, please update the manual, because there's numerous errors. (for instance, using the CDM controller, holding down the big knob and turning it DOES NOT change between Project/Kit/Instrument/Disk .. rather, you have to be on the browsing screen, and going thru the filters, going all the way to the top of the filters list, THEN it goes to the very top where you can pick between those 4 options. ... Not a particularly smooth workflow.)
Also, if possible, please make it so that when you are scrolling thru kits, it temporarily loads that kit so you can audition it without FULLY loading the whole kit (like how it works with individual instruments)

thanks. that's all for now. :)
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......and PLEASE add song position pointer too!


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