Do I understand the specs below correctly, as in that I can program up to FOUR independent CV outputs ?
Like giving each CV-output (Pitch 1, Velocity 1, Pitch 2, Velocity 2)
a certain
own waveshape (built from many consecutive steps), say for use as 4 different LFO-signals.
I realize some smoothing may be needed, but that'll be easy doable.
What are the CV & Gate specifications ?
Pitch CV Out range: 0 to 10V.
The Beatstep Pro can't deliver negative pitch voltages.
Gate Outputs: 12V.
If your destination device requires 5V, it will work and won't damage it.
But in long term, we advise to use attenuators to avoid any risk of premature wear.
Velocity: 0 to 10V
Please note that the velocity output voltage can be attenuated from the MCC