I don't want to nit pick, but my bsp is bent there is a (visible gradual) dip in the center of ~2 mm...not more;)
Noticeable enough that it bothers me. Could it effect the pads or functions?
Second issue is that on my bsp the pads have rather poor response. Sometimes I have to really "tap hard* to play a note (or to turn them on/off in drum mode)..
By hard I mean I can not play a "soft note" and gradually louder..no way I can play a crescendo (most of the time, it varies)
As I don't read about complains on the pads, I wonder if it is my machine?
I owned NI's Maschine that had much better pad response and sensitivity....So what should I do???
Specs copied from site:
Pressure sensitive pads
The 16 highly responsive pads allow you to play sounds either in Control mode or Drum mode. They are also great for playing notes into the melodic sequencers and transposing the sequences during playback..