Dear Dav1d or anyone - this is about 64 bit so Dav1d might be interested...
I'm so NOOB I'm still in diapers on this so be gentle with me!
I have to use notation software, Quick Score Elite Level 2, to write my stuff on because of disability, can't physically play keyboards. When XP stopped being supported by Microsoft I reluctantly got 7. And immediately QSE stopped seeing most of the synths. I'd always used. Darn, I thought, 64bit compatibility. So I downloaded a couple of freeware synths that said they were Win7 compatible and it wouldn't see one of those either, yet in XP QSE had seen absolutely everything.
So I bought Arturia Collection, installed it - and can't make QSE see ANY of it! Got absolutely zero idea WHY, just know the .DLLs are in the plugin folder yet, like so many other synths, it can't see them on Windows 7. But I hang onto the fact that in XP, QSE was bulletproof.
Do I dump 7 and go back to XP or is there a way to run .DLLs in XP mode? I know 7 HAS an XP mode but I'm pretty vague (as in total dumbass) on how/when to use it, or when it can be used. QSE's running in XP mode and doing great apart from not seeing synths. All the plugins it uses are .DLLs. Can you run .DLLs in XP mode to increase the chances of XP seeing them? I know about JBRIDGER but oddly enough that don't help - I JBRIDGED everything and it sees exactly the same synths/doesn't see exactly the same synths JBRIDGED or otherwise. Makes no difference!
So I'm stumped. If I go back to XP, I know I'll get my other synths back but will Arturia work and have more likelihood of being 'seen'? Please don't tell me to use Ableton Live or something cos I've just spent 8 months not being able to get my head around that thing, I've got it but don't understand one bit about it, not really, despite books and videos (grouping? group sends??? 64 tracks in a mix when you can only really hear 4 sounds at once in a mix - why!?!?!)
8 tracks, 4 plug-ins per track's fine for me! Just would LOVE to USE the sounds I've just spent all my money on.
Yours frustratedly