Regarding the four "lin" in/outs:
Manual, section 1.13.7
The four right VCA are modulated with a linear function, on the contrary, the other are
modulated with a exponential function.
There's a LOT goin on in this synth, sure can be hard keeping track of everything; and this is such a brief mention of the function. I like to use the linear in/outs to send to the final master outs, sending processed groups of osciallors and filters to each input, mixed using the other 12 VCA.
re: FM inputs. No difference between the three. Only the top one is marked to indicate "this column of inputs is FM" .. same with it's neighber PWM.
re: "... the MOD with a LFO to a drivers fm input thru the last 4 mixer channels do not work ..."
I'm not quite following what's happening here. I will say that I've been experiencing some odd behavior with this version as well. I'd bought this standalone at first, and only recently bought the V Collection, giving me the updated version (the new licensing system)
Regarding the rest: I have not experience such presets not loading right. That certainly sounds awful.
I too hope they fix these bugs ... and update the interface to be truly scalable .. I've read that they are currently working on this as the next update for all the V Collection, but we'll see.