June 23, 2024, 05:07:31 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: [REQUEST] Preview samples from the Studio page, in the Sampler itself  (Read 908 times)


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    • Voxonitus Soundcloud
Well, the thread title pretty much says it all.
I just started getting deeper into modifying/creating instruments, and as such have begun messing with the sampler. It's pretty cool, sure .. but it can be a PITA to use since you have to go over to the Library page to actually HEAR any individual sample, or what said sample would sound like together with the rest of the instrument.
It sure would be nice to not have to jump back and forth between pages. To be able to play each sample slot individually, as we tweak it. Also all of them together, with the rest of the instrument. Not to mention a sample preview when loading a new sample from the Studio page.
Pretty please Arturia? It really is rather needed for a decent workflow here. Page jumping is pretty much never a good workflow.
Thanks :D
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