@jsmirk What kind of issues are you having?
Ok, here goes...
OS X 10.10.2
Logic Pro X 10.1.1
== Bugs ==
AU in Logic freezes up when gui is open
start/end points copy to other instrument when switching instruments (sometimes)
no save warning on application exit in standalone
increasing sequence length doesn't immediately display the new pattern in gui
Resonace decreases volume
cannot type in BPM in standalone
having an open HP filter on some samples(kick) can cause the sample to pop
Save switches the active bank to "A" when in Song view
== Workflow/Usability Issues ==
cannot drag & drop a sample to the sampler in Studio view
cannot time stretch samples
sample start/end adjustment should map to a knob
the three "soft" knobs should have their own Midi CC to allow control of the selected instrument.
the three "soft" knobs should also be visible at all times, otherwise view switching is required to know what they are controlling
cannot set instrument icons
meters don't display numeric values (am I clipping?)
no sustain (note length could be set per step like other parameters)
Sequencer column contrast is not visually distinct enough to be helpful
Previewing and loading from the Library is simply unfinished, especially for layers
No visual indication when and instrument is loaded in Library
== Wishlist ==
pattern-level mute to make much faster and non-destructive pattern copying/editing
Scale play when in Tune mode
set different pattern lengths for each instrument/track
a basic LED screen on the controller would have been brilliant
copy one layer to another
play a sample and virtual analog in one instrument