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Author Topic: Filter Cutoff failure  (Read 1647 times)


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Filter Cutoff failure
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:00:35 pm »
The filter cutoff on my Minibrute has gone bad. It seems to be fixed at about 500Hz with a sweep range of a couple of semitones (checked this by boosting resonance). All other settings neutral, double checked for ENV, LFO, Aftertouch, etc, just to be sure. Am I the only one to have this happen? Do I now have to spend money to repair this synth that is not even two years old?


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Re: Filter Cutoff failure
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 05:29:35 am »
I might have a similar issue.

Turned my MB on one day (back in April)  and the filter was just not working. I can pass sound on the BP and HP settings. No sweeps, no cv, just fixed cutoff and res. Normally I'm happy to go circuit spelunking and try a repair but the tiny surface mounted parts are well beyond my skills.

I've been back and forth with tech "support" and pretty much they want you to pay them more money. You can buy a main board or a B-stock MB for more than used street prices. The synth is not quite two years old and has been been pampered exclusively at my home for that time. It's extremely frustrating. Especially when I look over at my DW-8000 that's been kicking for nearly 30 years...that's relativity.


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