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Author Topic: keylab 49 pad problem  (Read 2883 times)


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keylab 49 pad problem
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:45:20 pm »
im trying to use the pads on my keylab too do drum parts in Cubase 7.5 but im having lots of problems..

my first and biggest one is when I hit the pads they create multiple copys of the same note in Cubase ..an example is the harder I hit the pad the more parts get layered in Cubase if I hit the pad very gently it records 1 kick per hit but if I hit the pad hard it creates multiple kicks all over the top of each other..so when I play back I get fazing problems and flams. :(

I hope someone can help this problem doesn't happen with the keys just the pads and ive got lots of drum controllers and its only happening with my keylab pads..


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Re: keylab 49 pad problem
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 02:33:39 am »
You may have a hardware problem, but much of it with most Pads I've ever had is down to technique MPCs are the same. You need to learn the quick tap method, like playing a tabla - otherwise you can end up pressing and retriggering. To help you can also try setting the lowest values for each pad to something like 40 using the Min LSB setting, that way the light triggers will be filtered out.


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