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Author Topic: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...  (Read 4908 times)


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Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« on: December 06, 2014, 06:41:39 am »
Hi there,

I want to report two bugs with the Mg Modular V, update 2.7.0 ... these are actually old bugs, and they are still around. 

The first is with the key follow.  I am going to just repost what was posted in 2006 ....

(1) The knobs have missing gabs in range that can't be gotten to even with the mouse/right button fine adjustment.  For instance, settings jump from 0.79 to 1.0 to 1.2 etc, with nothing inbetween.  What about 0.80 to 0.99 for for example?  In other words, you can't have keyboard tracking of 80% to 99%, 101% to 119%, 180% to 199%, and so on. 

The second is with VCA2 going into the combined chorus and delay. 

If you activate VCA1 and 2 in both the delay and chorus, you will have the following bug.  The input from VCA2 will not come out of the undelayed chorus at all.  It will only come out as a delayed chorus.  Do this to test ... put a sawtooth at 0.5 pulse width (ie an octave higher) in VCA1, and a pulse at ).5 width (from the same oscillator) in VCA2.  Pan the sawtooth hard left, the pulse hard right.  Now, activate VCA1 and VCA2 in both the chorus and the delay.  Turn both dry knobs to zero, and the delay wet to zero also - you will now only be hearing the chorus wet.  Fade out VCA1 - the sawtooth - there will be nothing left - VCA2 is not being taken up by the undelayed chorus, but VCA1 is.  You can check on a spectrograph, etc. 

Please also note.  The keyboard follow bug, for example, has been around since AT LEAST 2006.  I am sorry to say that this is unacceptable.  In addition, 2-3 weeks before the release of the new updates for the V collection (I had no idea they were coming) I reported this very same bug to the technical support staff.  It is still there, completely ignored since 2006. 

I throw up my hands. 


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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2014, 02:09:40 pm »
Hi greenfuse,

We (the software team) have been working for some time on the V Collection softwares refactoration.
As you pointed out in your post, some of these softs (and some of their bugs - for that, we're sincerely sorry) are more than ten years old.
As the V Collection 4 has been released, we've managed to revamp these softwares in order to facilitate their maintenance / bugfixes / evolutions.
We're now planning to change our development cycle and publish more frequently new versions and updates of these synths. This won't be achieved in one day, it'll take time but we think that's a better way to handle our synths' evolution and overall quality.
Typically, the kind of issues you're describing will be the targets of those updates.
In order to detect, handle and prioritise those fixes, our users' reports (like the one you posted) really do matter.
The two issues you described are listed and will be fixed in the following updates.

With this post, I hope you'll see more clearly how we plan to maintain the VColl synths, and furthermore, why this kind of reports are important to us.

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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2014, 01:35:31 pm »
Hi greenfuse,

We (the software team) have been working for some time on the V Collection softwares refactoration.
As you pointed out in your post, some of these softs (and some of their bugs - for that, we're sincerely sorry) are more than ten years old.
As the V Collection 4 has been released, we've managed to revamp these softwares in order to facilitate their maintenance / bugfixes / evolutions.
We're now planning to change our development cycle and publish more frequently new versions and updates of these synths. This won't be achieved in one day, it'll take time but we think that's a better way to handle our synths' evolution and overall quality.
Typically, the kind of issues you're describing will be the targets of those updates.
In order to detect, handle and prioritise those fixes, our users' reports (like the one you posted) really do matter.
The two issues you described are listed and will be fixed in the following updates.

With this post, I hope you'll see more clearly how we plan to maintain the VColl synths, and furthermore, why this kind of reports are important to us.

It's exactly this kind of attitude that is turning off a lot of people on Arturia synths. Bugs that never get fixed but yet you release new synths. Should have stayed with the old stuff and gotten that right before adding more headaches and taking development away from stuff that should have been fixed years ago.

To say that you're planning to change the development cycle might sound reassuring but it really isn't. Plans are just ideas that may or may not happen. People can post about bugs until they're sick of doing so but if the developer (Arturia) shows no movement in actually fixing them and not just planning to fix them - what's the use? How many reports does it take to get things fixed that should never have seen the light of day?
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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2014, 03:17:24 pm »

We released an update of all the softs of the V Collection 4 a few days ago, including several bugfixes.
Whether or not you believe in my previous post, it won't change our evolution towards continuous maintenance of our synths.

In the meantime, our users reports really are important to us. It allows us to target our bugfix work more efficiently.
Software engineer

ben arturia

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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2015, 10:13:34 am »
Hi all,

Please have a look at your ArturiaSoftwareCenter.
We have updated the ARP2600, MiniV, Modular, CS80 and Prophet today !



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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 12:26:39 am »
Hi ben, the problem with missing preset marker (check mark before the preset name) still not fix  ;D (

ben arturia

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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2015, 08:53:10 am »
Yep i know !
I guess it was much more important to fix VCA1 & 2 effect bug !  ;D
But this one is listed and should be fixed in a next update too.


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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2015, 05:22:52 pm »
Yep i know !
I guess it was much more important to fix VCA1 & 2 effect bug !  ;D
Yes, about it ofcourse, this things more important ) Ok. anyway thanks.

ben arturia

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Re: Recent Modular Update Bugs that still remain ...
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2015, 09:18:40 am »
About the keyboard follow fine adjustments.
This feature add been specified with those values in order to help user reaching most usable values.
I think we will add a fine adjustment on this.
The best way to do it could be : Holding Ctrl or CMD while dragging the knob.

This will be added in a next update.


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