Thought I'd share a saved note, (don't do this every day and my memory is almost full).
Was having a problem with the Midi Controk Center until I realizd jt only displays the current Memory #.
Might save someone a little grief.
-Open MIDI Control Center.
-Click on a pad to highlight.
-In the Mode box, select MIDI Note
-In the note box select desired note value.
-Do this for each pad.
-In TEMPLATES list, Save As... name and save the template.
(Not necessary but nice to have, saved me a few times)
-Select the template.
-In Memories list select a memory #.
-Store to Beatstep memory # (pad #).
-Recall the memory # to double check.
-Do this for each memory # needed.
-Open MIDI Control Center.
-Click on a pad to highlight.
-In the mode box select switched control
-In the CC Number box select a value.
(Careful not to use a number that another controller is using)
-Do this for each pad needed.
-Select a Memory # from the Memories list then store to that location.
-On the Beatstep use the recall button to select the memory # (pad #).
I currently use this to control 8 different overlaping octaves 2 different ways.
Regards, Allnight.
P.S. Looks like the encoders can be done the same way, although I havn't really played with this yet.
A bank of 16 preset knobs, cool. Love controllers.