The wait is over, I finally received my Minibrute. There seems to be some issues with it though.
When I turn on the unit after even a short time of being off (yes, the switch is on KBD) I get a small squeel of sound, but then no matter what, I get no sound out of the unit. The Pitch and Tempo light are blinking, the Amplification Envelope light is solid green. If I turn the power off then on again right away, I will get sound (most times).
Im pretty sure the dual boot isn't a feature. Has anyone encountered this, should I just open a ticket?
Also not sure why my forum account was deleted? Wasnt for lack of use, I've been checking the forums religiously.
Edit: Happened again (each time i turn it on), now the Amp Envelope light is fading from green to off and repeating (opposite to the tempo light). still no sound unless I reboot it.