Sub osc - square wave. -1 octave
Sub osc - 45% volume
Saw - 78% volume
rate 100%, ultrasaw amt 2 notches from top
Square wave - 50% volume
Pulse width - 1 oclock
Triangle wave - 50% volume
Metalizer 2 notches from top
Filter type - Lowpass
Cutoff - all the way right
Resonance 3 notches past halfway
Filter envelope
Attack - 1 notch from 25%
Decay - 50%
Sustain - 2 notches from 75%
Release - none
Attack - 25%
Decay - none
Sustain - 75%
Release 1 notch from 25%
MOD wheel - Vibrato
Bend range - 50%
Glide - 2 notches from 50%
Aftertouch - off
Shape - sine wave
Rate - full
This acts as 2 sounds, a screechy steely sound, and with the mod wheel turned all the way up, a vocally dubsteppy thingo. Play with the mod wheel for some seriously cool effects! Also try adding a negative filter amount to the cutoff coupled with an Arppreggio setting of 1/16, 25% tempo, 1 octave range, downward pattern and no swing.
Sounds good at every octave but -2, it kinda stops sounding as it should.