Thanks again for your post. I looked at your page, and checked what mapping i had for the Laboratory software for the existing controls. They were already mapped to what you have on your link for "Use the following settings!" These controls don't do it for me... This was what I was trying to say, when I posted "The rotary dial and pressing reset, don't do it for me".
Those controls require several steps. I'd really like to map the Category and Preset Adjust/Select buttons to the drum pads on the keyboard.
I ran out of time, and didn't try mapping Logic to the CC Numbers.. It already recognized the Category and Preset adjust/select controls... doing something else to the my Logic project when I pressed those.
I guess I'll fiddle around with these controls when I get some time, and maybe writeup what I change. Again, I may not be describing this clearly - but half expected that someone else has tried to map their Laboratory Category and Preset controls in Logic (to something easier to use than those knobs)
Cheers (and thanks for the link and try)