I have spent a month now, and probably about 30 hours trying to get my arturia plug ins working on my new (well bayed) Lion equipped mac. I am running all the latest versions of Lion, and Logic. All of my arturia plug ins, ARP2600, MiniMg, Prophet, Jupiter work in standalone. I am running Logic in 32 bit, and I have tried ditching the cache.
Elicenser doesn't work properly, each time I activate it is ignores the dongle and says error
Unknown exception caught. Process execution failed.
I use maintenance tasts to get things going, but updating the license database fails.
But then the licenses appear on the dongle, although there are two of some of them.
Then when I try to run logic, the prophet, jupiter and brass plug ins work, arp, miniMg, Mg modular, cs80, analog factory, they won't validate giving me this error, or something similar.
VALIDATING AUDIO UNIT: 'aumu' - 'Cs82' - 'ArTu'
Manufacturer String: Arturia
AudioUnit Name: CS-80V2
Component Version: 2.0.0 (0x20000)
* * PASS
Time to open AudioUnit: 26.645 ms
Time to open AudioUnit: 0.007 ms
Error during conversion from CFString to cString.
auvaltool(2650,0xacdc92c0) malloc: *** error for object 0xc00a4fec: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
validation result: crashed validation
I have the latest versions of the software, I can't get any response from Arturia's support,
Any ideas?
I have a pretty good knowledge of this stuff, but I am stumped. I have tried all sorts of fixes, no good.