I fixed the two issues you mentioned.
About the feature requests, the first one is not an easy thing to do but the second one could be implemented without to much trouble. Probably not for the forthcoming update but maybe in the next one.
Nice to hear that Spark is getting better! I suppose that we'll get update soon.
BTW you guys from Arturia must be in quite a situation here: everybody want to have this and that new feature and still there're quite many obvious bugs to fix.
This been said, my personal preference would be improving this synth sequencing part. (Sorry, I've been talking about this also in this other thread...) Anyway my secret vision about Spark is, that someday this software might be sending midi to my Origin (or any other hardware synth) and synchronize to its sequencer. Or perhaps even more importantly, you could play (external midi) bass or synth lines with Sparks step Seq. Anyway it would be great that you could use it without any DAW. Spark has this MIDI out connection: why it could not send midi out stuff from Spark standalone step seq? I think sending midi would not take too much CPU power, am I right? So Kevin (or anybody in Arturia): please give me a hint that it could be possible or am I just dreaming about something that won't ever happen?