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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Feature Request: Mute VST's instead of giving an error when no dongle is present  (Read 1363 times)


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This is so annoying, having to deal with eLicenser error messages (some VST hosts even crash because of these).

A more user friendly (to the actual paying owners) and I'm guessing still "secure" way to protect the VSTs ilegal use, would be simply mute the VST (or if you still want to annoy people, noise generate when instanced without the dongle).

Sometimes, quickly testing or trying new VST hosts (so there's really no need to go get all the dongles one has to use for all the bought and installed software) will end up putting the V-Collection instruments in the black-list of that host (since those had "issues" at plug-in scan pass).

Next time I use that Host but with the intention of actually using some of those VSTs (so taking the time to go get the dongle and plug it in), I'll have to trigger yet another VST scan to re-check those black-listed VSTs... not nice.

The current behavior of the plug-ins doesn't help also when using multiple setups/machines... sometimes I want to access some VSTs and not others (that need the dongle) but I always have to deal with at least 10 or more error msgs before getting to the Host.

Please  :-\

« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 03:30:03 pm by Koshdukai »


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