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Author Topic: Mg Modular Mixer  (Read 2719 times)


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Mg Modular Mixer
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:30:36 am »
I recently saw a tutorial video saying that you can create FM effects using the mixer by linking two or more amplifiers together. As far as I understand the mixer is an audio mixer, not a wave mixer. The manual says: When 2 amplifiers form a group, the output signal of the first corresponds to the sum of their collective outputs, which I take to mean it mixes the audio waves together.
Can anybody confirm that I have understood this correctly?


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Re: Mg Modular Mixer
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 02:03:08 pm »
this is all correct, except that with these VCA's you can mix control voltages as well, not only audio. You can mix two or more envelopes, LFO's, and route the sum to a modulation input. That's the beauty of the MMV, you can do things as you would do in the analog world.


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