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Author Topic: Roland Tech Support / Customer Service  (Read 10605 times)


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    • http://www.ghettoanalogue.com
Roland Tech Support / Customer Service
« on: February 17, 2004, 09:22:51 pm »
Well, I purchased a Roland SH-32 Analog Modeling Synth. All in all the sound of the box is a nice compliment to my existing synths. As I read the manual, I find out that if you want the SysEx implementation chart, you have to call Roland's tech support. So I called them, and they bounced me to Customer Service, who, in turn, bounced me back to tech support because they did not know what I was talking about. This back and forth happened a couple of more times until I was hooked up with someone in customer service who knew what I was talking about. She was about as cordial as a rattlesnake, but at least she knew the product.

I find out that to get the MIDI Implementation chart, it's gonna cost me $12.50. OK, no big deal, I'll pony up for the printed manual that contains information most other synth manufacturers give away for free. After she takes my credit card number, she tells me it is 4 weeks back ordered. I ask if there is an electronic copy she can hook me up with now that she has my payment info, she says no. So I ask to go back to tech support to see if they can help me with my immediate need and get me by until the manual shows up.

I get the tech support guy, and I explain the backorder situation. I explain that I need help with building one SysEx message, and I can make due with CC messages. He tells me that he can not discuss SysEx over the phone. Talk about a load of crap.

I am used to the support I get from Korg and Access. Roland's support is laughable in comparison. I called my dealer and explained the situation and to see if he had a manual laying around he could let me look at. He felt so bad for me, he offered to take it back.

Fortunately I can do a SysEx dump, and then hack the dump to get the information I need, but that is an awful lot work.

I am just glad that I did not buy anything real expensive from them. After my experience today, I don't think I ever will.

I just wanted to get this out there to save someone the hassle I went through. If you are looking at the SH-32, my opinion is that the Korg Electribe EA-mkII would be a wiser choice.



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Guess what I got for $12.50
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2004, 10:19:54 pm »
OK, remember that manual that I had to pay $12.50 to get. Here is what I recieved, someone made a Xerox of page 116 of the owner's manual, which came with the unit and I already have. The page doesn't say a thing about SysEx programming.

So I am out the cash, sort of anyways. You see Musician's Friend has a 45 day return policy, no questions asked. I purchased the SH-32 and a Roland SPD-6 percussion controller at the same time, and I am sending it all back.


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