I'm running MMV mostly in Logic Pro 9 (OSX 10.6), but I also have installed the stand-alone version. As a consequence, I have three different banks of MMV patches: one native bank each in the stand-alone and the AU versions, and one in Logic. I'd like to set it up so that all three access the same bank, or at least be able to easily synch them. I know where OSX keeps the patches I've made in Logic, but I can't find the directory for the native MMV banks. Based on what I've found in the forum and online, it seems unlikely that I'll be able to get the Logic and native MMV banks to talk, as the native banks seem to be a single file (?), rather than one file for each patch like in Logic. I could do a clunky export->import to update the stand-alone and the AU versions, but it doesn't look like I can get both directories to point to the same file so as to keep them synched, and anyway I much prefer the Logic patch save interface over that native to the MMV.
Anyone else dealing with this issue? Any ideas for how to solve it?