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Author Topic: AF Sustain Glitch in Logic Pro...  (Read 3591 times)


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AF Sustain Glitch in Logic Pro...
« on: March 06, 2009, 05:08:41 am »
I've got to do this point form as it's just too weird...

1) I load AF 2.2.1 into Logic Pro 8.
2) The patch I select has a default release of 0, so the sound ends the second I release the key on my keyboard.
3) I press play in Logic.
4) Now when I play the same patch in AF, it sounds as if I am holding down a sustain pedal, except I have no sustain pedal. When I release the key, the sound keeps on going. Note: The release envelope is still set to 0.
5) If I select a different patch and go back (as if to reset the patch) it sustains again the second I press the key.
6) The only way to reset it is to close the plug-in completely and reload it. Of course, the second I press play in Logic, the same thing happens all over again.

Troubleshooting I have already done...
- Created 'sustain off' events in Logic - no fix
- Tried loading AF into new channel strips, even entirely new sessions - no fix
- Thrown out preferences - no fix
- Re-installed earlier version of AF - no fix

Here's the thing, this only recently started happening. AF played just fine the last time I checked. I even have a bounce of the track I'm working on proving it. I've been using Logic for 12 years, and AF since version 1. I teach Logic as a profession, so I'm totally stumped (and feel like a bit of an idiot) on this one.

Any ideas?


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Re: AF Sustain Glitch in Logic Pro...
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 03:38:12 pm »
I  was getting this today and it seems to fix it if you change the midi channel within the plugin from "all" to ch1.


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