let me understand, you mean that you limited to 8 voices because of the graphic size of the multimode pannel???
I would not mind if every voice after 8, had same parameters than one of the first 8 ones, but with all due respect ( and you have done a wonderfull job with the CS-80V ) 8 voices is NOT plenty, I just play a chord with both hands, use poly aftertouch and then want to play a second chord and I hear voices being "cut" on their tails.... and this is with slow playing on ONE instrument. I could care less on Multimode or Multitiblral operation, I just want to be able to play you know?
With hardware "racks" ( I remember say an Oberheim Matrix 6R, or Proteus modules... ) you could stack them, and by midi, make the "overflow" notes go to the next module....
I am shure this can be done very easily if the program is running twice somehow..... This will still leave your Multimode pannel exactly as it is now.